If you are in a position to do so then volunteering can be useful, it shows a prospective employer that you are keeping yourself active and that you are willing to give of yourself.
Volunteering can be included in your CV. This is especially useful if you have gaps in your employment history, there is also a chance of hearing about paid employment when talking to charity staff or other volunteers.
Look on the do-it web site for volunteering opportunities:

Volunteering at Work-Wise
Our volunteers come from may walks of life, including those looking for work. Our previously unemployed volunteers have told us that being part of Work-Wise helped them to find employment.
We need volunteers with many skills, these including:
A listening and understanding ear
Use of computer skills, e.g. use of Microsoft Word, etc
Hospitality, i.e. the tea and toast, very important. :-)
IT support skills, vital as most recruitment is conducted on-line nowadays. Our computers and network are set-up to protect clients confidentially as much as we can. Those with business level IT skills would be very much appreciated.